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Associate Professors:
Mulan Sun, Michael Buschor

Teaching Collaborator:
Sinan Yuan
Studio Assistant:
Nan Zhang

Gu Yuxuan, Guo Xueting, Li Chenran, Li Qi, Lin Huiling, Tang Zhichen, Wang Xiaoqiong, Xie Anni, Yang Yihuan

Zhou Ying
Assistant Professor of HongKong University
Fang Shujun
Principal of Fang Shujun Studio of Standard Architecture
Bao Li
Professor and Vice-Dean of School of Architecture in Southeast University
Wang Yan
Partner of GOA Architects, Guest Professor of Tongji University
Zhuang Ziyu
Partner and principal of RSAA GmbH


Upcycling the existing Urban Fabric - Introduction

Secular historical buildings become more and more rare to find in China, instead, there are many popular highrises without any “identity ”, which is slightly paradoxical considering the fact that the people’s republic emerged from such an old and very distinct civilization. Therefore choosing upcycling a residential neighborhood as the point of interest and the premise of keeping as much of the existing urban fabric as possible can be understood as a counterpoint against the all too common levelling of entire neighborhoods.

We chose the compound Jun Min Li in Hebei District in Tianjin, not because its architecture is particularly beautiful or its current state is worth to be preserved like a monument. On the contrary: it is a collection of identical copies of some Soviet standard apartment building type and its various formal and informal living features. They were built in large n umbers in desperate need for relocating hundred thousands of Tianjin inhabitants who lost their home in the devastating Tangshan earthquake in 1976. To make it even worse, the apartments and their facilities are tiny and m eager and in desperate need of renovation during more than 40 years while the increasing trend of private transportation is consuming the community’s s pace on the ground floor.

So why “upcycling the existing urban fabric”, not starting with a clean slate as usually practiced with the advantage of doing everything as the market demands, likely with little risk in terms of cost, without having to respect the entire legacy? Because certain aspects in that neighborhood cannot be reproduced by following known paths but only through time. Such as the seemingly intact social live of its inhabitants or the luscious vegetation turning the courtyards into small slow-paced oases in an otherwise bustling and often dusty city, besides the surrounding neighborhoods and roads have undergone tremendous changes. Or the fact that it is not a gated community (yet) but a lively survived sm all patch of the city’s urban fabric with mixed use which contributes to everyday city life on several different levels. The goal for this semester is therefore not a simple one with well known standard practice approaches but rather a delicate surgical intervention on a living body: transforming the existing neighborhood in such a way that it fits the today’s and future needs of its inhabitants without eradicating its existing qualities or driving away all its inhabitants through too coarse interventions.

Architectural design is not an architect’s personal vision. To acquire the toolset necessary for upcycling the neighborhood, the studio st arts with a thorough analysis on different aspects of the city in general and this neighborhood in particular, covering a wide range of scales. The research on site will unveil the local characteristics, or genius loci, and gives the subsequent design process a reality-based foundation.

Student Works:

现存城市肌理的升级再造 课题介绍



为什么选择“现存城市肌理的升级再造”这个课题,而不像普遍的以满足市场需求为前提的做法,把风险成本降到最低且不用尊重历史遗产,从零开始做设计?因为本学期想把关注点对准寻常百姓和他们的居住方式,这些才是我们社会活着的“肌理”。军民里这个社区的某些生活品质并不能遵循常规路径以推倒重建来实现,而只能通过时间再现。在这个熙熙攘攘的城市中,丰沛鲜活的居民社区生活和枝繁叶茂的景观在这里一起生长了四十多年,形成了一个慢节奏的绿洲,而其周边社区和道路却发生着天翻地覆的变化。然而,这里并不是一个封闭的社区,而是城市肌理中幸存的一个混合着种种日常生活的生动的典型案例。 因此,本学期的目标不是采取众所周知的标准进行的一个简单的设计训练,而更像是在一个鲜活的生命体中进行一场精细的外科手术:对现存社区进行改造,在不降低其现有生活质量和不强硬干预驱赶现有居民的前提下,使其符合当今和未来的居住需求。
